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Home Buying Process Timeline

Please note this is just an estimated home buying process timeline, as each individual sale is different, your experience may be a bit different than shown below. However, for most individuals this is the general timeline.

Know How Much
You Can Afford.
We recommend starting by examining your finances and determining how much you can afford to spend. Examine your income, debts, savings and monthly expenses. Once you know a good idea of how much you can afford, we then recommend getting pre-approved for a mortgage. This will allow us to know the exact figure you must be below and in return will help save valuable time from viewing houses that aren't within your budget. 

The House Hunt Begins! 
Now the fun begins! We recommend going to our Listings page then enter into the search field everything you are looking for within your price range in the areas you are interested in. Begin looking at the houses in detail online. After you have found a few you are interested in, it's time to schedule a viewing. 

Make an Offer.
When you have found the home you are wanting it is now time to write up an offer. Your Realtor will work with you to determine a solid first offer as well as the terms and conditions of your offer. He or she will then write up the offer for you to sign and will submit it to the sellers Listing Agent. The sellers Listing Agent will then contact the seller to go over the offer, they will then either counter the offer or will accept your offer.

Negotiate the Offer or Sign the Purchase Agreement.
If you received a counter offer you and your Realtor will then go through the counter offer together. If you agree with the amount, terms and conditions you can sign the Sellers counter offer. However in most instances buyers wish to negotiate the counter. If you do wish to counter their counter, you and your agent will again submit to the sellers Listing Agent your counter offer. In some instances the buyer and seller cannot come to an mutual agreement and this requires going back to the home search, but more times than not both parties come to an agreement after the negotiations and you then enter into a Purchase Agreement. This is where you and your Realtor will submit proof of your financials and we head on to the next step of Home Inspections and Home Appraisal.

Home Inspection and Appraisal.
We highly recommend to all of our valued clients having a home inspection performed on the home you are in agreement to Purchase. We also strongly suggest making the home purchase contigent upon a home inspection. Your Realtor will schedule a Home Inspector to come out to the property and assess in detail the structure of the home. Your Home Inspector will submit to you his or her recommendations of any signifcant repairs that are required and/or recommended. It is typical for minor issues to be found during a home inspection, and on rare instances major issues can be found as well. We also recommend going over the home inspection report with your Realtor in detail which you can then go back to the Seller to address any of your concerns. 
Your Lender will schedule a professional Home Appraiser to visit the home to determine its value. The lender will want the appraised value to meet the amount of your loan. We also strongly recommend that the home purchase be contigent upon the home Appraisal as well. This ensures if the home doesn't appraise for the amount you agreed to purchase it at, you are not obligated to do so. 

Closing Day!
Once your loan is approved your lender will then schedule the closing and begin drawing up all of the final paperwork. At the closing it will be required that all involved parties sign the final documents, thus legally transferring the property and keys to you. 

Move in! 
You did it! Congratulations! You've made it through the process and are officially a homeowner.  Enjoy this new season of decorating, moving in and making your new house your home! We are so happy for you and trust you will enjoy your new home for many years to come! 

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